In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences .
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences offers programs leading to the degrees bachelor of science, master of science, and doctor of philosophy. Professional degrees include the master of professional studies, master of landscape architecture, and master of arts in teaching. Some registered professional licensing and certification programs are also available.
Each curriculum in the college creditable toward a degree is registered with the New York State Education Department.
Bachelor of Science Degree
Departments in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences sponsor study for the B.S. degree in over 20 major programs. To qualify for the degree, students must fulfill requirements established by the faculty of the college and administered through the Office of Academic Programs. Students are admitted into a single major and have the option during their academic career to pursue two or more majors within the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences as well as complete one or more minors offered by the University. Students need an advisor in each major. Course requirements for double majors may overlap. Students interested in completing a double major must contact the department of interest to complete their application procedure.
The college learning outcomes expected for all students to earn a B.S. degree are listed below:
- Explain, evaluate, and effectively interpret factual claims, theories, and assumptions in the student’s discipline(s) (especially in one or more of the college’s priority areas of land grant–agricultural sciences, applied social sciences, environmental sciences, and/or life sciences) and more broadly in the sciences and humanities
- Find, access, critically evaluate, and ethically use information
- Integrate quantitative and qualitative information to reach defensible and creative conclusions
- Communicate effectively through writing, speech, and visual information
- Articulate the views of people with diverse perspectives
- Demonstrate the capability to work both independently and in cooperation with others
- Apply methods of sustainability to the analysis of one or more major challenges facing humans and the Earth’s resources.
The following units offer major fields of study for undergraduates. A department advising coordinator is listed for each unit. Students should consult with the faculty or staff coordinator regarding requirements and opportunities for concentrations in the major.
Agricultural sciences: Kari Richards, 707 Bradfield Hall,
Animal science: Aubrey Whittaker, 149 Morrison Hall,
Applied economics and management: Adrienne Wilson, 210E Warren Hall,
Atmospheric science: Mark Wysocki, 1114 Bradfield Hall,
Biological engineering: Brenda Marchewka, 207 Riley-Robb Hall,
Biological sciences: Amy Horning, 216 Stimson Hall,
Biology & society: Stacey Stone, 306 Rockefeller Hall,
Biometry and statistics: Beatrix Johnson, 1198 Comstock Hall,
Communication: Andrea Poag, 334A Kennedy Hall,
Development sociology: Cindy Twardokus, 123 Academic Surge A,
Entomology: Jennifer Thaler, E145 Corson Hall,
Environmental engineering: Brenda Marchewka, 207 Riley–Robb Hall,
Environmental science and sustainability: Marian Hovencamp, G15 Fernow,
Food science: Marin Cherry, 152A Stocking Hall,
Information science: Amy Sindone, 110H Gates Hall,
Interdisciplinary studies: Lisa Ryan, CALS Student Services Office, 140 Roberts Hall,
International agriculture and rural development: Diane Munn, 609 Bradfield Hall,
Landscape architecture: Peter Trowbridge, 440 Kennedy Hall,
Natural resources: Tim Fahey, 104 Bruckner Hall,
Nutritional sciences: Terry Mingle, B21 Savage Hall,
Plant science (horticulture; plant biology; plant breeding and genetics; plant pathology and plant-microbe biology; soil and crop science): Leah Cook, 134A Plant Science,
Science of earth systems: Savannah Williams, 2124 Snee Hall,
Viticulture and enology: Andrea Elmore, 341 Stocking Hall,
Students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences may pursue one or more minor fields of study offered by any department within Cornell University, subject to limitations placed by the department offering the minor or by the student’s major. Minor fields of study do not require an academic advisor, but each minor field has a contact person who will provide information and verify on the Application to Graduate that the student will successfully complete the requirements of the minor by graduation. Students may complete as many minors as they wish; the requirements of minors may overlap. Minors offered by CALS are described along with the majors later in the CALS section of this catalog. Not all majors or departments offer minors. Minors available at the university can be found on Cornell University’s academics website (