In the College of Human Ecology .
Alan Mathios, dean
S. Kay Obendorf, associate dean
Rachel Dunifon, associate dean for research and outreach
Margaret Frey, associate dean for undergraduate affairs
Tracey Thompson, college registrar
Darryl Scott, director, admission, student, and career development
College Focus
The College of Human Ecology anticipates and responds to human needs in the areas of nutrition and health, economic and social well-being, environmental design and technology, and human development through education, basic and applied research, and the extension of knowledge. The college is distinctively characterized by the quality of its research in the natural and social sciences and the design arts, a global perspective in academic programs, a preventive approach to contemporary societal problems, multi-disciplinary departments and programs, development of leadership in students and citizens, and a commitment to diverse populations. Faculty and students examine individuals in relation to their family, neighborhood, workplace, and community, seeking a balance between theory and practice that will improve the quality of everyday life.
The college is housed in Human Ecology Building (HEB), Martha Van Rensselaer (MVR), Savage, and Kinzelberg Halls; Mann Library; as well as the Biotechnology Building and Weill Hall. The buildings include administrative and faculty offices, classrooms, auditoriums, galleries, and lecture halls; wet chemistry and biochemistry laboratories; design studios and computer-aided design laboratories; woodworking shops; human factors and infant research facilities; and classrooms for distance learning. Also included are learning resource centers for career planning, a historical costume collection, a human metabolic research unit, an animal research facility, cold rooms, and a constant temperature and humidity laboratory.
Specialized equipment for teaching and research includes biochemical and chemical instruments for spectroscopy, chromatography, radioisotope analysis, electrophoresis, microscopy, and ultracentrifugation; physical testing equipment; and cameras, videotape, and sound recording equipment.