In the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning .
Cornell in Rome
Semester study in Rome, Italy
Cornell in Rome classes can be applied to Cornell graduation requirements and participation in the program does not necessarily require extra semesters of study or delay graduation. Interested AAP students should speak with the college registrar to determine how classes will be applied toward degree requirements.
Cornell in Rome provides housing to all students, and it is mandatory for students to live in the provided housing. Students must register their Cornell in Rome semester with the Cornell Travel Registry and sign up for emergency international health care coverage through Cornell.
Study at Cornell in Rome is mandatory for Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) students matriculating in Summer 2023 and after. It is an option for Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) students in the Fall semester. Undergraduate Urban and Regional Studies (B.S. URS) and Master of Regional Planning (M.R.P.) students have the option to attend in the Spring semester.
Cornell in Rome is only open to AAP students.
The Gensler Family AAP NYC Center
Semester or year study in New York City
A semester at AAP NYC is mandatory for Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) matriculating in Summer 2023 and after, as well as for professional Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) students. M.Arch. students may apply to study for a full year in NYC. All post-professional Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design (M.S. AAD) students begin their degree in the Summer term at AAP NYC. Additionally, the post-professional Master of Science in Advanced Urban Design (M.S. AUD) is delivered entirely at AAP NYC.
A Fall semester at AAP NYC is optional for undergraduate Urban and Regional Studies (B.S. URS) and Master of Regional Planning (M.R.P.) students. Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.) students from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) may participate in the urban studies program at AAP NYC with approval from their college.
AAP NYC does not provide housing for students. All students are responsible for finding their own housing during their semester(s) in the program.
AAP NYC is only open to AAP students and M.L.A. students from CALS. Some course offerings may be available to Cornell Tech students.
Applying to Cornell in Rome and AAP NYC
Application Guidelines
Application timelines may vary from year to year, but estimates are given below. For exact dates, students should refer to the Experience Cornell website for the program in which they are interested.
Applications for both Cornell in Rome and AAP NYC open in late September and are due in early October, for both Fall and Spring of the following academic year. There is an additional AAP NYC application cycle for B.S. URS, M.R.P., and M.L.A. applicants only: this additional application opens in late January and is due in early February.
Students whose applications are due in October will receive their application decisions the first week in December. Students whose applications are due in February will receive their application decisions the first week in March.
Applications must be submitted through the Experience Cornell site. Students whose degree program requires them to attend Cornell in Rome and/or AAP NYC as a special semester (B.Arch. and M.Arch. students) must still complete the application(s).
Application criteria may vary between departments and degree programs. All AAP students must submit an academic plan to be reviewed by the College Registrar to ensure that a semester in Cornell in Rome or AAP NYC will not interfere with degree progress or ability to graduate on time. M.L.A. students must obtain approval from CALS to participate in AAP NYC.
To be eligible for acceptance to an optional semester at Cornell in Rome or AAP NYC, students must be in good academic standing. Departments may establish additional criteria at their discretion.
Students who are waitlisted will be notified if space becomes available in the program and semester to which they applied. The last possible time to join the Fall semester is the first week in March. The last possible time to join the Spring semester is the third week in August. After the cutoff points, waitlisted students will have their applications withdrawn and will be notified of such.
There will be a late application window in early to mid-December for both Fall and Spring of the following academic year for both locations. Late applicants will be notified of their application decisions in early February. Applications from the initial application cycle will be given priority; late applications will be considered only if space remains. No late applications will be considered outside of this window.
Academic Conditions
In their application decision letters, applicants will be notified of whether or not they are in good academic standing at the time of application, regardless of whether the application is accepted, waitlisted, or denied.
If an applicant is not in good academic standing at the time of academic plan review, they may still be considered for acceptance if it is determined that their academic plan will put them back in good academic standing before their semester in Rome or NYC.
Each department may determine their own GPA minimum, including whether this GPA must be maintained between the time of application and the semester in Rome or NYC. Because participation in Cornell in Rome and/or AAP NYC is mandatory for Architecture applicants, there is not a minimum GPA except that which is required for good academic standing (2.3).
Eligibility to attend Rome or NYC is contingent on being in good academic standing. Students who come up for academic review will have this noted in their Academic Review Committee (ARC) letters when applicable.
If a student comes up for academic review in the semester directly preceding their semester in Rome or NYC, ARC will determine if the student will be allowed to enroll in the special semester as planned.
Withdrawing Applications
Students wishing to withdraw from mandatory semesters (AAP NYC for M.Arch., Cornell in Rome and AAP NYC for B.Arch.) must go through the petition process. If the petition is approved, the application will be withdrawn and the applicant will be notified of such.
Students wishing to withdraw from optional semesters in Rome or NYC should contact the Advisor listed on the Experience Cornell site for the program to which they applied. It is not necessary to petition or to provide a reason for withdrawing from an optional semester.
Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) Students
Cornell in Rome and AAP NYC are both mandatory for B.Arch. students who matriculate in Summer 2023 and after; they will enroll in these programs in their fourth year. B.Arch. students should plan to spend their entire fourth year away from the Ithaca campus.
In their second year, B.Arch. students will submit a request for which semester of their fourth year they would like to enroll in Cornell in Rome and which they would like to enroll in AAP NYC. Requests will be considered based on space availability, and a lottery system will be used to determine enrollment if more applications are submitted than space is available at each location for a given semester. At the end of their second year, B.Arch. students will be notified to which semesters in Rome and NYC they have been assigned.
There will be an opportunity for B.Arch. students to request to switch their assigned semesters in February of their third year. No requests to switch will be considered before this time. After this time, no other switches will be considered except in clearly extraordinary and extenuating circumstances that merit special consideration.
Details about the process of requesting a semester switch will be provided to all B.Arch. students in their third year by the Advisor listed on the Experience Cornell application.