Feb 16, 2025
ASIAN 2248 - [Buddhists in the Indian Ocean Arena: Past and Present] (crosslisted) HIST 2548 , RELST 2248 (GHB) (HA-AS, HST-AS) Fall. Not offered: 2023-2024. Next offered: 2024-2025. 3 credits. Student option grading.
A. Blackburn.
For millennia, Buddhist monks, merchants, pilgrims, diplomats, and adventurers have moved around the Indian Ocean arena circulating Buddhist teachings and powerful objects. In doing so they helped create Buddhist communities in the places we now refer to as southern China, India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. The course explores these circulatory histories by focusing on case studies in each of four historical periods: premodern (esp. early second millennium A.D.); the era of 19th-century colonial projects; mid-20th-century nation-state formation in South and Southeast Asia; and contemporary (early 21st century) times. Drawing together materials from Indian Ocean studies, Buddhist studies, and critical studies of colonialism, modernity, and nation-state formation, this course attends to the ways in which changing trans-regional conditions shape local Buddhisms, how Buddhist collectives around the Indian Ocean arena shape one another, and how trade, religion, and politics interact. (GE)
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