Mar 03, 2025
VTMED 5500 - Animal Health and Disease: Part I (Foundation Course V) Spring. 14 credits. Letter grades only.
Prerequisite: VTMED 5400 . Enrollment limited to: second- year veterinary students. Course fee: course guide.
C. Balkman, N. Peterson.
Commencing with sections on Clinical Pathology and Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders, the course progresses to dermatology, cardiology, ophthalmology, respiratory, infectious diseases, neurology, population medicine, musculoskeletal disorders, and some miscellaneous topics, and a surgical skills laboratory, with relevant aspects of applied pharmacology included in some sections. The course is presented on a system - oriented basis, focusing on clinical signs of alteration in function, pathophysiology of clinical signs, and strategies for diagnosis and treatment of the most important veterinary diseases. This course provides a sound foundation for clinical rotations in Foundation Course VI.
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