Jan 30, 2025
GOVT 3614 - [Politics of Sustainable Development in Latin America II] (crosslisted) LATA 3614 (CU-SBY) Multi-semester course: Winter. Not offered: 2024-2025. Next offered: 2025-2026. 2 credits. Multi-term grading basis.
Permission of instructor required. Students must complete GOVT 3613 , GOVT 3614 and GOVT 3623 for a final grade and Arts and Sciences distribution. Field component held in Ecuador.
K. Roberts.
In recent decades the Andean region of Latin America has become a focal point of international debate over alternative models of economic development and their environmental consequences. Windfall revenues from oil, gas, and mineral extraction have stimulated economic growth in the region, but they have also sparked opposition from environmental organizations and indigenous communities concerned about the effects on land and water resources and community livelihoods. This engaged learning course explores the political ecology of development in Ecuador, focusing on the tensions between extractive models of development and more environmentally-sustainable alternatives. The course will count for four credit hours spread across three modules in the fall, January, and spring semesters. The fall module provides an introduction to Ecuador’s political and economic development, its cultural diversity, theories of sustainable development, and community-based engaged learning. This will be followed by an intensive, two-week field trip to Ecuador in January to work on group projects with community partners, and a wrap-up module in the spring semester to complete final group projects. While in Ecuador in January, students will meet with local scholars, government officials, and representatives from civic and community organizations engaged in efforts to promote environmentally-sustainable forms of economic development, and they will divide into small groups to work on projects with community partners. Initiatives related to sustainable agro-forestry, food security, the protection of biodiversity, land and water conservation, and community-based participatory planning will be highlighted in group meetings and engaged learning projects. (CP)
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