Feb 06, 2025
Courses of Study 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
- EDUC 1170 - FWS: I’m So Over High School - Why Would I Want To Look Back?
- EDUC 2200 - Introduction to Adult Learning: CLASP Democratic Education Seminar I
- EDUC 2210 - Community Learning and Service Partnership (CLASP): Contexts and Methods of Adult Learning
- EDUC 2410 - The Art of Teaching
- EDUC 2610 - The Intergroup Dialogue Project
- EDUC 2710 - America’s Promise: Social and Political Context of American Education (crosslisted)
- EDUC 3110 - Educational Psychology (crosslisted)
- EDUC 3310 - [Careers in Agriculture, Extension, and Adult Education]
- EDUC 3320 - Program Planning in Agriculture and Education
- EDUC 3350 - Youth Organizations and Leadership Development
- EDUC 3405 - Multicultural Issues in Education (crosslisted)
- EDUC 3510 - Engaged Learning through Extension, Outreach, and Instruction
- EDUC 3610 - Advanced Intergroup Dialogue (crosslisted)
- EDUC 4010 - Special Methods of Instruction in Agricultural Science Education
- EDUC 4040 - Engaging Students in Learning
- EDUC 4050 - Perspectives in Collegiate Teaching and Learning
- EDUC 4402 - Anthropology of Education (crosslisted)
- EDUC 4590 - Educational Innovations in Africa and the Diaspora (crosslisted)
- EDUC 4720 - [Philosophy of Education]
- EDUC 4940 - Special Topics in Education
- EDUC 4960 - Undergraduate Internship In Education
- EDUC 4970 - Individual Study in Education
- EDUC 4980 - Undergraduate Teaching
- EDUC 4990 - Undergraduate Research
- EDUC 5020 - Education and Development in Africa (crosslisted)
- EDUC 5320 - Program Planning in Agriculture and Education
- EDUC 5350 - Youth Organizations and Leadership Development
- EDUC 5370 - Advanced Program Planning and Youth Organizations in Agricultural Science Education
- EDUC 5440 - [Curriculum and Instruction]
- EDUC 5510 - Engaged Learning Through Extension, Outreach, and Instruction
- EDUC 5630 - [Using Statistics to Explore Social Policy and Development] (crosslisted)
- EDUC 5710 - America’s Promise: Social and Political Context of American Education (crosslisted)
- EDUC 6610 - [Complex Organizations, Education, and Development] (crosslisted)
- EDUC 6710 - [Schools, Communities and Policy Reform] (crosslisted)
- EDUC 6720 - [Philosophy of Education]
- EDUC 6810 - [Democracy, Science, and Education]
- EDUC 6940 - Special Topics in Education
- EDUC 6970 - Graduate Individual Study in Education
- EDUC 6980 - Graduate Supervised Teaching in Education
- EDUC 7000 - Directed Readings
- EDUC 7010 - Empirical Research
- EDUC 7020 - Practicum
- EDUC 7030 - Teaching Assistantship
- EDUC 7040 - Research Assistantship
- EDUC 7050 - Extension Assistantship
- EDUC 7402 - Anthropology of Education (crosslisted)
- EDUC 8900 - Master’s Level Thesis Research
- EDUC 9900 - Doctoral-Level Thesis Research