Jan 30, 2025
Courses of Study 2024-2025
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering|
Courses in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering:
- MAE 1112 - Practical Computing for Engineering (crosslisted)
- MAE 1170 - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering (crosslisted)
- MAE 1270 - [Introduction to Entrepreneurship for Engineers] (crosslisted)
- MAE 1900 - First-Year Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering
- MAE 2030 - Dynamics
- MAE 2210 - Thermodynamics (crosslisted)
- MAE 2250 - Introduction to Mechanical Design
- MAE 2270 - [Introduction to Entrepreneurship for Engineers] (crosslisted)
- MAE 3050 - Introduction to Aeronautics
- MAE 3120 - Mechanical Properties of Materials, Processing, and Design (crosslisted)
- MAE 3130 - Atomic and Molecular Structure of Matter (crosslisted)
- MAE 3230 - Introductory Fluid Mechanics
- MAE 3240 - Heat Transfer
- MAE 3260 - System Dynamics
- MAE 3270 - Mechanics of Engineering Materials
- MAE 3780 - Mechatronics
- MAE 3783 - Mechatronics
- MAE 4020 - [Wind Power]
- MAE 4021 - [Wind Power]
- MAE 4060 - Introduction to Spaceflight Mechanics
- MAE 4070 - Dynamics of Flight Vehicles
- MAE 4120 - [Community Wind Energy Research] (crosslisted)
- MAE 4121 - [Community Wind Energy Research]
- MAE 4130 - Mechanics of Composite Structures
- MAE 4131 - Mechanics of Composite Structures
- MAE 4150 - [GPS: Theory and Design] (crosslisted)
- MAE 4160 - Spacecraft Technology and Systems Architecture
- MAE 4180 - Autonomous Mobile Robots (crosslisted)
- MAE 4220 - Introduction to Internet of Things - Technology and Engagement
- MAE 4221 - Introduction to Internet of Things - Technology and Engagement
- MAE 4230 - Intermediate Fluid Dynamics
- MAE 4231 - Intermediate Fluid Dynamics
- MAE 4240 - Materials Processing and Manufacturing (crosslisted)
- MAE 4272 - Fluids and Heat Transfer Laboratory
- MAE 4291 - Supervised Senior Design Experience
- MAE 4300 - Engineers and Society
- MAE 4320 - Integrated Micro Sensors and Actuators: Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds (crosslisted)
- MAE 4340 - Innovative Product Design via Digital Manufacturing
- MAE 4341 - Innovative Product Design via Digital Manufacturing
- MAE 4530 - Computer-Aided Engineering: Applications to Biological Processes (crosslisted)
- MAE 4540 - Propulsion of Spacecraft
- MAE 4450 - Additive Manufacturing: Process Physics, Materials, Properties and Post Processing
- MAE 4580 - Introduction to Nuclear Science and Engineering (crosslisted)
- MAE 4590 - Introduction to Controlled Fusion: Principles and Technology (crosslisted)
- MAE 4630 - Advanced Product Design
- MAE 4631 - Advanced Product Design
- MAE 4640 - [Orthopaedic Tissue Mechanics] (crosslisted)
- MAE 4641 - [Orthopaedic Tissue Mechanics]
- MAE 4650 - Biofluid Mechanics (crosslisted)
- MAE 4660 - Biomedical Engineering Analysis of Metabolic and Structural Systems (crosslisted)
- MAE 4670 - Polymer Mechanics
- MAE 4671 - Polymer Mechanics
- MAE 4700 - Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical and Aerospace Design
- MAE 4710 - Applied Dynamics: Robotics, Vehicles, Machines and Biomechanics
- MAE 4721 - Advanced Applications of Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys
- MAE 4730 - Intermediate Dynamics
- MAE 4760 - Foundations of Robotics (crosslisted)
- MAE 4770 - [Engineering Vibrations]
- MAE 4780 - Feedback Control Systems
- MAE 4810 - Robot Perception (crosslisted)
- MAE 4850 - Special Technical Elective
- MAE 4860 - Automotive Engineering
- MAE 4861 - Automotive Engineering
- MAE 4900 - Individual and Group Projects in Mechanical Engineering
- MAE 4950 - [Special Major-Approved Elective]
- MAE 4980 - Teaching Experience in Mechanical Engineering
- MAE 4998 - [International Research Internship]
- MAE 5010 - Future Energy Systems
- MAE 5020 - [Wind Power]
- MAE 5065 - Introduction to Spaceflight Mechanics
- MAE 5070 - Dynamics of Flight Vehicles
- MAE 5120 - 3D Printing Parts that Don’t Break: From Processing to Performance (crosslisted)
- MAE 5135 - Mechanics of Composite Structures
- MAE 5150 - [GPS: Theory and Design]
- MAE 5180 - Autonomous Mobile Robots (crosslisted)
- MAE 5210 - Dimensional Tolerancing in Mechanical Design
- MAE 5220 - Introduction to Internet of Things - Technology and Engagement
- MAE 5230 - Intermediate Fluid Dynamics with CFD
- MAE 5260 - Design for Manufacture and Assembly
- MAE 5270 - Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
- MAE 5280 - Adaptive and Learning Systems (crosslisted)
- MAE 5310 - Advanced Thermodynamics of Multiphase Systems
- MAE 5340 - Innovative Product Design via Digital Manufacturing
- MAE 5350 - Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (crosslisted)
- MAE 5430 - Combustion Processes
- MAE 5450 - Additive Manufacturing: Process Physics, Materials, Properties and Post Processing
- MAE 5459 - Energy Seminar I (crosslisted)
- MAE 5469 - Energy Seminar II (crosslisted)
- MAE 5540 - Propulsion of Spacecraft
- MAE 5630 - Advanced Product Design
- MAE 5640 - [Orthopaedic Tissue Mechanics]
- MAE 5650 - Biofluid Mechanics (crosslisted)
- MAE 5670 - Polymer Mechanics
- MAE 5680 - Soft Tissue Biomechanics (crosslisted)
- MAE 5700 - Finite Element Analysis for Mechanical and Aerospace Design
- MAE 5710 - Applied Dynamics: Robotics, Vehicles, Machines and Biomechanics
- MAE 5720 - Advanced Applications of Finite Element Analysis Using Ansys
- MAE 5730 - Intermediate Dynamics
- MAE 5770 - [Engineering Vibrations]
- MAE 5780 - Feedback Control Systems
- MAE 5790 - Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
- MAE 5810 - Robot Perception (crosslisted)
- MAE 5830 - Astronautic Optimization (crosslisted)
- MAE 5860 - Automotive Engineering
- MAE 5910 - Model Based Systems Engineering (crosslisted)
- MAE 5920 - Systems Analysis Behavior and Optimization (crosslisted)
- MAE 5930 - Systems Engineering and Six Sigma for the Design and Operation of Reliable Systems (crosslisted)
- MAE 5940 - Professional Development for Master of Engineering in MAE
- MAE 5949 - Enterprise Engineering Colloquium (crosslisted)
- MAE 5950 - Theory and Practice of Systems Architecture (crosslisted)
- MAE 6010 - Foundations of Fluid Mechanics I (crosslisted)
- MAE 6030 - Space Structures
- MAE 6040 - Tribology and Surface Engineering
- MAE 6050 - [Mechanical Metallurgy]
- MAE 6060 - Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics, Estimation, and Control
- MAE 6110 - Foundations of Solid Mechanics I
- MAE 6120 - [Foundations of Solid Mechanics II]
- MAE 6140 - State Variable Modeling
- MAE 6230 - Computational Fluid Dynamics
- MAE 6260 - Multiscale Computational Mechanics
- MAE 6270 - Experimental Methods in Fluid Dynamics (crosslisted)
- MAE 6280 - Adaptive and Learning Systems (crosslisted)
- MAE 6310 - [Turbulence and Turbulent Flows]
- MAE 6330 - [Multiphase Flow Dynamics]
- MAE 6350 - [Wave Interactions with Offshore Systems]
- MAE 6450 - Advanced Topics in Metal Additive Manufacturing (crosslisted)
- MAE 6480 - [Air Quality and Atmospheric Chemistry] (crosslisted)
- MAE 6510 - Advanced Heat Transfer
- MAE 6530 - [Space Exploration Engineering]
- MAE 6540 - [Plasmas for Propulsion]
- MAE 6640 - Mechanics of Bone (crosslisted)
- MAE 6650 - Principles of Tissue Engineering (crosslisted)
- MAE 6670 - Soft Tissue Biomechanics II: Viscoelasticity and Phasic Theory
- MAE 6680 - Cancer for Engineers and Physicists (crosslisted)
- MAE 6700 - [Advanced Dynamics]
- MAE 6710 - Human-Robot Interaction: Algorithms and Experiments (crosslisted)
- MAE 6720 - Advanced Astrodynamics (crosslisted)
- MAE 6730 - Robot Manipulation (crosslisted)
- MAE 6760 - [Model-Based Estimation]
- MAE 6770 - [Formal Methods for Robotics] (crosslisted)
- MAE 6780 - Multivariable Control Theory (crosslisted)
- MAE 6790 - [Intelligent Sensor Planning and Control]
- MAE 6810 - Methods of Applied Mathematics I
- MAE 6830 - Astronautic Optimization (crosslisted)
- MAE 6860 - Cybersecurity for Cyber-Physical and Aerospace Systems (crosslisted)
- MAE 6900 - Special Investigations in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
- MAE 6910 - M.Eng. Independent Study
- MAE 6949 - Seminar for M.S. and First-Year MAE Ph.D. Students
- MAE 6950 - [Special Topics]
- MAE 6998 - Graduate Research Internship for International Students
- MAE 7160 - [Fracture Mechanics]
- MAE 7999 - Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Colloquium
- MAE 8900 - Research in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering